Our new and official website will be coming online here in early 2024!
In the meantime, we want to welcome you to the joyful ministry of Old St. Paul's Lutheran. We are a Lutheran community of faithful followers of Jesus Christ and we welcome you to join with us. We assemble every Sunday in worship at 10:00am, where we worship our triune God in song and prayer and gather to hear God's word and guidance in our lives. Our worship location is at 2035 Old Conover-Startown Rd in Newton, NC. We also stream our worship services online on our Facebook page, where we also share in community updates and daily devotionals. Finally, our weekly sermons are broadcast on the radio at 11:30am every Sunday on WNNC (101.3 FM and 1230 AM).
You are invited and encouraged to share in every aspect of our worship together, as we seek to experience our God's love and grace - with and through one another. Thank you for visiting our site online today and we look forward to bringing to you our new full website soon!
May you be blessed in Christ, this day and every day!